Over-Under: King Koopah


Welcome to my first installment of Over-Under. My goal with this series is to present opinions and thoughts from players at all levels by highlighting comments and content from the entire Smash 4 community regarding a specific Smash topic. And also because I like asking questions. Questions like, is Diddy Kong actually over-powered, or is the counter-play meta just underdeveloped? Are people over-reacting to the Smashbox or is it misunderstood from a mechanical stand point? Is Gimr overcompensating with his luscious beard or underhandedly starving his local barber?  Today I’d like to put Mr. Steal Yo Princess himself in the hotseat and ask: is Bowser overtly high tier or are a lot of people under the influence of recency bias? Here’s some of what the community is saying.

First up, Zero. He definitely thinks Bowser’s high tier. I’ve qued up the time-stamp for his video How Good Is Bowser? so you can hear for yourself.

I think Bowser should be considered a high tier character. I think by no means a character like this should be anywhere mid tier.

KuroganeHammer, the data man himself who is also a Bowser main, thinks otherwise.

His retweet the same day showcases just how ridiculous Bowser’s pivot grab can be.

Before riding his Lloid Rocket over to California, Ranai’s Villager lost a close set 1-2 to Kisha’s Bowser.

Will Bowser rise in the rankings, stagnate, or fall? Here’s what Void commented while streaming before G4.

Lastly, Redditor u/big4lil had the great idea of discussing secondary tiers and counter-pick tiers and where Bowser fits within such thinking:

I talked about this awhile back but i think now Cloud could be classified as the best secondary in the game, and that we should consider constructing tier solo and secondary/counterplay tier lists moving forward

I think this is a great place to start. Donkey Kong is more solo viable whereas Bowser is more of a counter

Agree?  Disagree? Agree to disagree?

Edit: Just talked to Nairo at G4, he said “Bowser’s not top tier. He’s got too many weaknesses. He’s good, but he’s not top tier.”

Join the discussion on the r/smashbros! https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/5ozjkh/smash_4_overunder_bowser_high_tier/

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