Over-Under:Duck Hunt and Lylat

Battlefield, Dreamland, Final Destination, Fountain of Dreams, Yoshi’s Story, counter-pick: Pokemon Stadium. Most of us know the Melee Legal Stages by heart since they’ve been used for so long. That doesn’t mean they’re still universally accepted. Case in point: Pokemon Stadium. Melee players of all levels have griped and called for it to be banned since time immemorial. I mean, GrSmash has an ongoing YouTube series dedicated just to Pokemon Stadium jank.

falco marth PS jank.gifMrR Scatt Lylatt.gif

Duck Hunt and Lylat are seemingly the least liked legal stages at the moment. Duck Hunt, largely due to the interactive elements in the background and the tree left of stage which allows for camping. Lylat definitely gets players…tilted. Both have been called a redundancy in stage size options since they’re both very similar to the starting stages already legal. Player’s in favor of retaining Duck Hunt as a legal stage often site the side walls which allow for wall jumping, greatly aiding the recovery of certain characters. While I do think that camping is a legitimate strategy with counter-play, it isn’t the only complaint players and some TO’s have with the stage. The community is far from agreed on Duck Hunt and Lylat as legal counter-pick’s.

Viewership via Twitch and ESPN for EVO is another bullet point in the argument for banning Duck Hunt. Many feel that by banning Duck Hunt and thereby preventing camping, mostly (looking at some of you Sonic main’s), the game will be generally faster paced and engaging for viewers. In turn generating more growth for the Smash 4 scene. Since recently received a slot on Sunday for EVO’s main stage Top 8, the community is buzzing anew with chatter of reducing legal stages, removing Duck Hunt and Lylat as counter-pick’s and just having 3 legal stages. Are we picking viewership over player fairness? Do some player’s just not understand the point of having counter-pick’s? Here’s some of you all are saying.
EDIT, 1/27/17 11:40am, Recommended Ruleset: https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/5qixz6/smash_for_wii_u_recommended_ruleset/

Skip to 3:40 for the core of his argument.

Redditor u/MrMockRock:

I’m fine with Duck Hunt going, because it’s a stage that leads to a worse experience for both spectators and players, even if there’s nothing technically bannable about it. You can make an argument for overcentralizing the meta around defensive tactics, but that’s debatable.

That would probably mean taking another stage, and it should clearly be Dreamland in that case. I don’t like this dynamic of “ban Battlefield or Dreamland, I’ll just choose the other one.” Dreamland is less neutral because of the wind and the slight slope of the stage Esam found, so it’s fine to get the axe.

Lylat, on the other hand, should not be banned. It provides a unique layout and doesn’t overcentralize any unfair tactics.

Comment from discussion Smash U Legal stage discussion.


Edit: Here’s John Numbers’ great suggestion, 

I feel like I should get this out of the way; there is absolutely no reason to run a 3 stage ruleset, at all. I see people talking about banning Lylat, Duck Hunt, and Dreamland and that somehow means we HAVE to have a 3 stages legal stagelist, meaning one of the 4 remaining stages is being banned for no reason. Just run a 3 Starter, 1 CP stagelist (0 or 1 ban, no DSR), simple as that.
For the 5 stages legal stagelist (FD, BF, SV, TnC, Lylat), you also do not need to run 3 Starter, 2 CP. Just make it 5 Starter (1 ban, no DSR) and call it a day.

Edit 2: From Umbro knight’s comment below, Compiled Reasons Against New Ruleset https://docs.google.com/document/d/15d1QiQ5sBFKA2gIW95tBAX8N0nWo_y9cymaK9jXJP-0/mobilebasic

Make sure to vote in these polls! Share you thoughts in the Reddit discussion!

The Foundry

“There! Is that a spot?”

“Looks like it.”

I quickly glance at the rear-view mirror then sharply tug our red Corolla rental to the right to parallel park. But, no. Turns out the space is occupied by a four-foot tall grey and white camping tent and a homeless guy. Mm, sketchy.

Reluctantly weaving myself back into the uphill battle that is finding parking in South of Market, I notice a few pedestrians with Gamecube controllers being worn as necklaces. They’re like mini-lighthouses guiding me to shore. After creeping in and out of seedy back alleys, parking and throwing anything of value in the trunk, then walking a block and a half, we arrive to Folsom Street Foundry. Shivering under three layers of sweaters and jackets I step into the bar/gaming lounge and it’s immediately warm spirits all around.Even though no one was smiling directly at me, the Foundry’s general atmosphere of friendliness was a comfy blanket in contrast to the cold, damp San Francisco streets I’d just navigated for the first time. Pools for Smash of the Titans was set to start at 8pm. I decided to use the half hour of leeway to observe who was in attendance.

Over laughter and shouts coming from the beer-pong set up, piercing through the million-finger clack’ing of buttons – people sdi’ing out of Bayo stuff, I suppose- I recognize the lighthearted timber of Terrence “TKBreezy” Kershaw. He’s posing with Phil “EE” Visu and a fan for a photo in front of a natural finish wooden divider near the restrooms. Throughout the night whenever someone would approach them, TK and EE were never anything less than kind, courteous and engaging. I’m really glad that two people I admire in the community aren’t jerks off-camera.


On camera later for a streamed match, TKBreezy faced off against NorCal’s very own Rickshaw. I noticed a familiar face and black leather jacket watching from the side of main stage. Dustin “Zenyou” Rice wore a quiet, contemplative face everywhere I saw him at The Foundry. Eyes narrowed, arms crossed and leaning slightly to the right, he seemed to be studying every match he watched. Zenyou hovered around the pools area as well, occasionally rubbing his chin or nodding his head when a player did something interesting to him. People would come up and ask him about Mario stuff or matchup advice and he’d reply, smiling and seeming to really enjoy just talking Smash bro’s. If you notice Zenyou watching you for a while, chances are you’re doing something right. But he vanishes faster than Greninja Shadow Sneak’s, so you probably won’t know he’s downloading your strats. Eventually, I get the courage to ask him for an interview. (Fingers crossed for that happening soon.)


Team Japan is hanging out on the other side of the full Rock Band setup. A friend had clued me in earlier to the fact that there was a “hit” out on the Japanese players. No, there were no literal “shots fired”-the pong shaped beer stains on my pants tell me no one there that night could hit much of anything except me. Still, NorCal’s Telmo had put extra motivation into the hometown players by promising to put some extra cash in their pockets if they beat a Japanese player in bracket. I swear, team Japan, all I heard from NorCal players was that you are all beasts. You3’s Duck Hunt Dog especially seemed to garner a lot of respect as well.

Respect to the chicken tenders served at Foundry also, I tip my hat to those. This isn’t a paid review. I’m just telling you from the one I got from my buddy’s basket as the night was winding down. Midnight and last call were looming near as I watched Mexico’s number two ranked player Regi, a Game and Watch main, play friendlies against local Game and Watch main Koss, though he was using Lucina. Regi was winning pretty consistently. The music that had filled the venue all night was lowered while they were playing and Grand Finals was announced. A couple hundred people gathered near the main stage, shoulder to shoulder, some leaning for support like the ice in their drinks. Trevonte and 9B put on a great show to close out the night and NorCal erupted as Trevonte won, the local hero holding it down for the hometown. foundry-crop

Let it be said, I don’t drink alcohol, but you don’t have to in order to have a good time at Folsom Street Foundry. The staff is excellent, checking in just to see how you’re doing and if you’re enjoying yourself. The games range from Street Fighter, Melee and Smash 4, to Overwatch and even a bunch of board games. The best thing about Foundry though, are the locals. They’re easy going and easy to get along with, 10/10 would drink all of their ice chilled water again.

Over-Under: King Koopah


Welcome to my first installment of Over-Under. My goal with this series is to present opinions and thoughts from players at all levels by highlighting comments and content from the entire Smash 4 community regarding a specific Smash topic. And also because I like asking questions. Questions like, is Diddy Kong actually over-powered, or is the counter-play meta just underdeveloped? Are people over-reacting to the Smashbox or is it misunderstood from a mechanical stand point? Is Gimr overcompensating with his luscious beard or underhandedly starving his local barber?  Today I’d like to put Mr. Steal Yo Princess himself in the hotseat and ask: is Bowser overtly high tier or are a lot of people under the influence of recency bias? Here’s some of what the community is saying.

First up, Zero. He definitely thinks Bowser’s high tier. I’ve qued up the time-stamp for his video How Good Is Bowser? so you can hear for yourself.

I think Bowser should be considered a high tier character. I think by no means a character like this should be anywhere mid tier.

KuroganeHammer, the data man himself who is also a Bowser main, thinks otherwise.

His retweet the same day showcases just how ridiculous Bowser’s pivot grab can be.

Before riding his Lloid Rocket over to California, Ranai’s Villager lost a close set 1-2 to Kisha’s Bowser.

Will Bowser rise in the rankings, stagnate, or fall? Here’s what Void commented while streaming before G4.

Lastly, Redditor u/big4lil had the great idea of discussing secondary tiers and counter-pick tiers and where Bowser fits within such thinking:

I talked about this awhile back but i think now Cloud could be classified as the best secondary in the game, and that we should consider constructing tier solo and secondary/counterplay tier lists moving forward

I think this is a great place to start. Donkey Kong is more solo viable whereas Bowser is more of a counter

Agree?  Disagree? Agree to disagree?

Edit: Just talked to Nairo at G4, he said “Bowser’s not top tier. He’s got too many weaknesses. He’s good, but he’s not top tier.”

Join the discussion on the r/smashbros! https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/5ozjkh/smash_4_overunder_bowser_high_tier/

Genesis Saga: Beginning 2017 Hype!


Genesis Saga has come and gone all too quickly. Champ and the 2GG crew put on yet another great event with several notable upsets, epic pop-off’s and E.M.T. requiring heart-breaking moments to start the year in SoCal (RIP Void). Recent rainy weather gave way on Saturday for sunshine, friendly clouds and warm vibes all around. Heck, there were plenty of friendly Cloud’s inside the venue as well. One Cloud main in particular (RIP Bowser Jr.) really impressed me with his play at Genesis Saga. New Jersey’s Tweek placed 4th at this stacked event, making a great Loser’s run with solid wins over Enemy Sports | Tyrant, Panda Global | MVD, Denial | Marrs, LH | Eon, Yatta Gaming | JK and Echo Fox | MKLeo, no small feat indeed! It was my pleasure to get to ask him a few questions via Twitter about his experience at Genesis Saga, the Cloud meta, and his goals for 2017.

EzG: Early 2016 you dropped Bowser Jr. for Cloud and pretty much solo-main’d him for the rest of the year. Will you continue to solo main Cloud for 2017? If so, what aspect of the Cloud meta do you think really needs to be developed?

Tweek: Yeah, I’ll continue to solo main him. Currently, Cloud loses to Diddy Kong and Sheik, so I’ve been working on answers in those match ups.

EzG: Do you feel that the answer for those match-ups is better offense or defense or something else?

Tweek: Stage selection is the biggest part. Counter play to monkey flip and needles is very important.

EzG: So, having the space to work around those options?

Tweek: Hmm, it’s not really because of needing space. Stage selection is to avoid dying early, easier landings, good ledges/walls for Cloud.

EzG: Is there another character that you would like to see developed further in 2017?

Tweek: Donkey Kong, I think he’s better than Bowser.

EzG: Care to inflame all 10 Bowser mains* in the world and share a bit on why DK is better?

Tweek: Better tilts. He has down tilt, that is completely lag-less for spacing and confirms into grab if it trips them. Also incredible for ledge trapping. His up tilt is an incredible anti-air that beats everything and is confirmed into a kill off of a tipper jab if you buffer a turn around. His tipper jab also confirms into a grab, so I think DK has better ways to get the grab. DK can also bair twice in one short hop, which also leads to him being a better edge guarder. I believe [he] has more small intricacies which leads to more potential.

EzG: Throughout the event, when you weren’t playing, you’d sit and chat with ZeRo. What is it that you enjoyed most about teaming with him?

Tweek: We’ve never teamed before, so I’m sure a lot of the chatting was in order to make things easier for us. It was fun teaming with him, although we could’ve done much better. His reactions to every situation were pretty incredible.

EzG: In that epic last stock situation against Marss, my personal highlight of the event, was ZeRo saying anything to you? What was going through your mind?

Tweek: During the 2v1 ZeRo was encouraging me and letting me know my options. I was simply trying my best to stay as safe as possible. 20170114_141250.jpg

EzG: Definitely noticeable in those tense neutral exchanges. Besides ZeRo, you seemed to get along well with all the other top players. Are there any in particular that you feel have helped you grow as a player/person and if so, how?

Tweek: Hmm, I’m good friends with a lot of them I guess. But the top players that have helped me the most are False/Ryuga. False is my doubles partner and best friend. And Ryuga has been helping me immensely, I credit him for my recent success. Also my whole crew, DMG, means a lot to me. Love all of them.

EzG: On your Twitter, you shared a photo playing Smash with MKLeo and Dabuz and other top players where you’re housing. How’s your housing experience been this trip? Any fun moments that stand out so far? Who snores the loudest?

Tweek: The house has been incredible, they are all great people that also provide great practice. Pink fresh and MVD snore the loudest lol. All of it has been pretty fun lol, hard to say.

EzG: I say you tweet them snoring and put them on blast!

Tweek: Lmao. zzzalty-suite

EzG: So, in researching for this chat, I saw on your AskFm a few months ago you said you’d be starting college in January. How’s that going? Do you have a major planned?

Tweek: Because of the huge circuit that was announced, I’ve put college on hold for a bit. I plan on majoring in computer science though.

EzG: I guess that partly answers my next question. What are your goals for 2017, personal and in Smash, and do you have any words for your fans?

Tweek: I want to become to the best player in the world. I have nothing but thanks for anyone who supports me, much love 💗.

EzG: Lastly, Genesis Saga was full of exciting moments. Did you have a favorite moment or match from another player?

Tweek: When Marss was popping off on Elegant/Aarvark in doubles.

EzG: Awesome! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to chat with you! I hope you have a great time here in SoCal. Let me know if you need any tips on the bomb taco spots. 

Tweek: Yeah sure, no problem dude.

Great matches always pull you in and if you see it, a player’s body language says it all. Eyebrows leap and fall and every moment of hope and despair is evident in the silent prayer of twitching lips. What begins as a slow lean while timing a read develops into jolts and spasms of lurching forward. All in a fraction of a second. Tweek and Denial’s Marss passionate plays during their last hit, last stock exchange in Loser’s Semi’s of Doubles had all of Esports Arena on the edge of their seats and was my favorite highlight of the event. 2017 Smash is only just getting started and 2GG definitely brought the hype to SoCal with Genesis Saga. Make sure to attend all the events you can and tune in and share streams of the ones you can’t!

*Just a little joke, Bowser mains 🙂

Follow Tweek on Twitter! @tweekssb

Ask Tweek more about DK vs. Bowser! http://ask.fm/tweekssb

Tweek’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/iTweekG

and Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/tweekssb

2GGC: Marrs vs Tweek Hype Losers Semifinals from front row.

Bloodborne- Gaining Insight


So, what are you going to do?!

Do you go full aggro and trade hit for hit, using the Rally system to regain health? Nah, it hits harder. Trading won’t work. Alright. How about casting some ranged spells? It closes the distance too quickly and there’s too much end lag at the end of the cast. Wait, that one leaping attack left it vulnerable. Maybe it can be back-stabbed. Maybe riposted.

Whoops, didn’t space that well. I’m dead. Shoot! Didn’t know it could do that, I’m dead. Dang, my timing was off, I’m dead. Man, Bloodborne is awesome.

My date just smiled and nodded her head. I didn’t feel bad confessing my love for another to her, after all, she’s a gamer too. It wasn’t until I’d paused mid-sonnet that I realized just how much Bloodborne challenged me as a person and that that is why I love it so much. Recounting my recent fail’s to her was great and the elation was only surpassed when I told her the winning strategy I eventually used. Adapt, survive, then overcome or get shamefully rekt. That is the Bloodborne experience for most, myself included. But how would she do against Vicar Amelia? What would she do against the Orphan of Kos?

I would love to see you play it! Maybe I’ll bring my PS4 over next time?

Sure! Sounds fun!

She poked around the shiny white rice edge of her one remaining piece of sushi and rotated it before lifting it to her mouth. In my head I poked around the flame-engulfed body of Laurence towering over me and spewing fire around the altar/arena, savoring the fight to come. Obsessing with the Hunt demands attention to detail and at least some forethought, along with developing the ability to handle stressful and dynamic situations. I hadn’t realized that Bloodborne was shaping my analytical thinking, but it really did. Sharpening my timing and judgement like the serrated teeth of my beloved Saw Cleaver.

Anyways, my bro started playing. He’s dying and raging so much, it’s hilarious! Oh yeah, I think you’ll love the world design, especially the architecture. Here, let me show you. *Google’s image of Grand Cathedral*

It’s so pretty!

Your face is!

A peck on the lips for me, a pat on the back for Bloodborne. You’re in the know, right?


/root: The First Pentium Chips

On this day in history- March 22, 1993-  Intel shipped the first chips to have the now ubiquitous brand name of Pentium. Today, an Intel Pentium processor can muscle up to 3.4GHz of processing power, offer 64GB of addressable memory and a 2048kb L2 cache. Comparatively, the first Pentium branded microprocessor, the P5, launched with a clock speed of 60 or 66MHz and a 16kb L1 cache. For a detailed history of the Pentium chips, check out this great ArsTechnica article by John Stokes: http://arstechnica.com/features/2004/07/pentium-1/

the more tech savvy might want to check out this article on microprocessor types and specifications by Scott Mueller: http://www.quepublishing.com/articles/article.aspx?p=482324&seqNum=16

but if chuckling at older commercials is more your speed, here ya go:

If I Had A Smart Mirror

I wake up groggy, yawn and wonder if I’ll open my eyes to the dilated saucer stare of my cat. Nope, no sixteen pounds of kitty oppression sitting menacingly on my chest this morning. Damn, guess I have no excuse to stay in bed. Rolling over I fumble under my pillow to glance at my phone. There are some social media notifications but I can’t be bothered before poop and coffee, in that order. Rinsing off this flaky dried drool peeling from the corner of my lips and cheeks is probably a good idea too.


“Nah, screw you cat.” You want to be a roadblock that takes up half of this three-foot wide hall, so be it. I’m not letting you watch me poop today. Quickly side-stepping the chunky, soot black furd (furry + turd, i.e, the cat) I slip into the bathroom and shut the door. Placing a finger on the circular beveled edge of the hot water faucet knob I lightly slide a half-circle clockwise, on the cold water knob, a quarter-circle counter-clockwise. A quarter slide from the front of the top of the spout to the back gets the water running. The temperature is perfect. I splash my face once, twice, mmm…a third time. Slowly I’m warming up to today.

“Ok, Google, play The Girl From Ipanema.”

I don’t bother to towel off. Two quick taps on the faucet stops the running water. Studying the stubble framing my face I try to remember if I have any reason to shave today. A glance at the bottom right of the mirror tells me there’s nothing on my calendar for today. No appointments. No errands. No-


-Christ, help me or that cat is gonna get stuffed into the can its food comes in!

     How can I tell her, “I love you?”
Yes, I would give my heart gladly

I guess today I’ll tell her by not mushing her cat into a cannibalistic serving of Friskies. A steel-blue tinted sun and some numbers to the right of my face are hinting I should get past this gloom and dress for warm weather. Are boxers sufficient for the day? Probably not. I’ve gotten too hungry to cook, so I’ll have to go get something to eat. If girls can go out in those little booty shorts, why can’t I go out in my boxers? It has a button over the pee-hole.

“Ok, Google, open Pizza-Hut.” I stab the “Reorder” button just above my shoulder and then confirm the order for pick-up. ‘Tis bless-ed, to sleep in until eleven. I crack open the door and drop my boxers as I sit. Sure enough, there he is a moment later, nuzzling his head  between the door and frame. Sauntering over he sits at my feet and proceeds to sniff my toes. Monday’s. I swear.

“Hey! Hey!” No meow’s this time. He’s got those saucer eyes again and I know what he’s thinking. He wants to jump on my exposed, tender, fleshy thighs. Without breaking eye contact I reach behind the toilet and pick up the plunger. I can do this. I won’t lose this time. His haunches are lowered and his butt is wiggling, ears folded back. He’s only half extended on his rear legs when I give him a face full of plunger and send him tumbling backwards into the magazine basket.

Yeah, today is gonna be a good day.


This piece of fiction inspired by my sister’s cat, my love for pizza and over sleeping, and this awesome smart mirror: https://medium.com/@maxbraun/my-bathroom-mirror-is-smarter-than-yours-94b21c6671ba#.doy6j8b0o


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Technology is a given in modern life. From smartphones to tablets, home automation and entertainment, to the surging wave of wearable tech like Google Glass and Samsung’s Smartwatch, the limitations of man and machine interface are quickly dwindling down to nothing.  Not every innovation in wearable tech is ground breaking. Thankfully, many of them are aimed at simply making life easier.

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